It’s funny how many people tell us: ‘I
don’t know how you and Tina cope. I couldn’t!’ with regard to raising and
loving Mui.’ Well it’s not that funny, I suppose, because Tina and I were
diagnosed with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder towards the end of last year as a
result of coping with our daughter’s psychological challenges. Such is life. We
are not complaining and nor is such a diagnosis an excuse for us to stop
laughing. We just shut down our emotions. Bottle them up.
From the life changing
challenges of her past that inspired her to help others, Tina’s dictum
is the Robin Williams quote: “I think the saddest people always try their
hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel
absolutely worthless and they don’t want anybody else to feel like that.” Mine comes
from Bill Parcells: “Blame no one, expect nothing, do something (positive).”
Stress, depression, breakdowns,
post-traumatic stress etc tend to be the “elephant in the room” when it comes
to coping with a son or daughter with special needs. Because support and
understanding for the chaos of psychological challenges still comes a poor
second to having a visible difference or raising and supporting someone who
has. We know both sides of the coin. More than one friend has severed ties with
us when discovering the psychological challenges faced by our daughter. No
doubt more will follow. We accept this and as a result tend to keep such stigmatized
pressures to ourselves.
But what we don’t accept is being insulted,
denounced and verbally abused in the street and having the sincerity of our
love for our daughter challenged, or having the challenges our daughter faces belittled.
It is shocking ignorance.
In response to the woman insulting Tina and
me, Mui says:
“Yes, I have battled with my parents about
going, but I have been attending sessions with a specialist and we are working
through a lot of issues. I may come across as fine and chirpy but I do have
psychological struggles. I have a lot of deeply rooted
issues. Ones that I don’t have any desire to inform the whole world about. I would
only mention the struggles in our book and not discuss them on other platforms because I would feel even more uncomfortable
than I already do because it’s such a personal topic. My
parents and I are making mental health decisions that work for us as a family. Please
respect my family and our choices.”
Of the woman Mui adds: “She has repeatedly screamed at me
that I just need to follow her advice.”
As a family we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to Dr Lauren Bramley as well as to Sir David and Lady Tang.
Nevertheless, we do not expect support so why share all of
this? Because as a result of our Family Talks and our Facebook page: The Girl Behind The Face, we have come to appreciate how
sharing our story might be of help to others.
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